What a week … work, work, work in the garden and around the house, lots of sun, lots of rain and some thunder storms. All in all, a great summer
Today I should have started to cut some firewood for winter, but that can wait until … I’m ready to do it. Instead, a run out on the bike into France. Quite a hike today, slightly cloudy weather and when the sun comes through it’s hot (26°C).
Here is today’s itinerary: Mussy-la-Ville – Signeulx – St-Rémy – Carrefour Depiesse (Ruette-gare) – Chenois – St-Mard – Dampicourt – Montquintin – Écouviez – Verneuil-Grand – Montmédy (dir. Marville/Longuyon) – Bazeilles-sur-Othain – Velosnes Photo: The church in Velosnes. The village is very special to the members of our club “Les Cyclos du Sud” (http://www.cyclosdusud.be/) as one of our most ardent members, Claude Jacques, was born and is buried here.
– Charency-Vézin Photo: Charency-Vézin.
– Villette – Colmey – Longuyon (dir. vallée de la Chiers) – Vivier-sur-Chiers – Braumont – Fresnois-la-Montagne Photo: Fresnois-la-Montagne.
– Villers-la-Chèvre – Gorcy – Baranzy – Mussy-la-Ville.
You can see the route on the map at: http://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/554015896
I rode on some of the busier roads today and can say that all the drivers that passed me gave me a lot of room (cars and lorries), so thank you to them.
It’s really a privilege to live in this part of the world; it’s peaceful and people take the time to live their lives.