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Geoff's blog

Days in the life of Geoffrey S. Nunn:

Walking, cycling, running, gardening and so on.

Countryroad run to St Léger

My running Posted on Mon, August 11, 2014 16:36:46

Peculiar weather for August at the moment with regular thunder storms and lots of rain, so you have to get out for a run or a cycle ride in between showers.

Photo: View from Haut de Lambermont (Rue du Lary, Mussy-la-Ville) towards Virton.

This morning’s run was from home to St Joseph’s Chapel on the Virton-Arlon road, on to Saint Léger and then back by Haut-de-la-Cloche.

Photo: Saint Joseph’s Chapel, between Ethe and Saint Léger.

Quite a hilly 10 km circuit which I managed to do in an hour. I’m getting in some training and looking forward to the “Allure libre” which will be held in Mussy-la-Ville on the 24th of August.

Here’s the Garmin data at:

Bleid runner receives good news

My running Posted on Wed, July 02, 2014 14:15:30

Today started in the usual manner and Bora, our dog, had her hour-long walk with me in the early morning sunshine.

She’s getting to feel her age now and the hot weather (18°C this morning, so not too bad) really makes her puff and pant; the walks keep her trim and fit, however.

On our return I went for a 10 km run around our countryside, going from home to the village of Bleid, next door, and home again.

At Bleid I met a dear work colleague of mine standing at the front of his house. He’s been home from work for the past 13 months with lung cancer. The good news is that he had just been given the “all-clear” and he will be returning to work on the 1st of August; really great news.

I’ll be travelling to Luxembourg at the beginning of August to have lunch with some of my old work-mates, so I’ll call in on my neighbour to see how he’s readapting to working life.

Today’s run was the first in a long while and my muscles will be sore tomorrow. Here’s a view of my circuit:

The photo was taken during one of my cycling trips. I’ve added it here as I passed the monument on my run today.

Photo: On the country track running from the summit of “Bakèse” to the Rue des Juifs, Mussy (also know as “La Tuerie”): a cross and monument in memory of Jean-François de Nothomb. The plinth in local stone has the following engraving: “Ici périt dans sa victoire en octobre 1668 Jean-François de Nothomb en défendant la route d’Arlon sa ville natale contre les pillards étrangers”.

Going for a run before the storm comes

My running Posted on Fri, December 27, 2013 17:09:15

27/12/2013: Despite the pic of me on my bike during the summer months, this morning saw me out running. It’s a circuit I like through the country lanes and forests near home.

The weather has turned to be cooler (3°C) and there are strong winds and heavy rain forecast for this afternoon.

I received a Garmin Edge Cycling GPS for Christmas, which I have used already for walking and running.

Here is this morning’s run:


Taking advantage of the mild weather

My running Posted on Mon, December 23, 2013 12:58:33

23/12/2013: After the regular morning 5-km walkies with man’s best friend – “Bora de Vance” – I got back home and then went straight out and did a 10-km run towards Signeulx and back.

A fairly brisk south-westerly breeze this morning and very mild for the season (+8°C), so as it was dryish as well it was a good moment to get out and run.

This evening and through the night we are expecting gale force winds of between 90 and 110 km per hour, which is not very nice, but a lot better than being on the northern French and Belgian coasts where it will be up to 140 km/h 🙁 The UK and Ireland are being battered at this very moment.

Relaxing tomorrow and looking forward to a nice Indian meal with Christine and her parents in Rodange at; nothing like traditional English food for Christmas!

Great start to the weekend

My running Posted on Sat, December 14, 2013 14:52:49

The day started with me correcting a student’s (Kevin) English homework in preparation for his end-of-term exams next week.

Then Chrissy and I took our dog Bora out for a nice long hike. It was a cold start at 0°C with freezing fog. Very dirty and muddy along the lanes; what we need is a good downpour of rain to clean up the lanes and roads.

When I got back I went out for a 60-minute run (about 9 km) and on my return I jumped into a nice hot bath, then spent some time in the sauna (infra-red cabin).

Just finished updating our cycling club’s website with the weekly cycling trips for 2014, plus all the other news of the club. Read it all here:

The rest of the day will be spent relaxing.

10 km test with JCPMF

My running Posted on Sun, December 08, 2013 14:56:20

Following a 12-week training course with “Je cours pour ma forme” , here I am at the end of the 10-km test run to obtain my “brevet”.

Two of the photos:

The next training course (10, 10+ km, 15 and 20 km) starts on 9 January 2014.